Let's connect
Updated: Apr 29, 2020

At the heart of all lake associations is the need to network effectively with lake residents and other stakeholders to raise awareness about lake issues, inform and educate about preserving and improving water quality, and partnering with other organizations to plan and manage resources effectively.
“We're building an online community to stay connected throughout the year to better support our goals.”
Although we hold an annual meeting and send out a newsletter each spring, we hope that building an online community will greatly enhanced the ability to stay engaged with our lake residents and other key partners on a more regular basis. Readers will be able to easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, and more. So while we support our mission to preserve and protect our lake, we can have some fun as a lake community as well.
Blogging gives our website a voice, so I hope our blog lets our Finger Lake personality shine through. I encourage FOFL members and friends to check back frequently to stay informed, as well as be actively engaged in sharing information of mutual interest so we can all enjoy learning about recent activities, interesting stories and ideas, plus add images and videos to really spice things up.