August walleye update
I am writing this note to provide an update on the plan for stocking walleyes in Finger Lake this fall. A few weeks back, I laid out the options we had for walleye stocking this fall and the challenges with each option. I have been able to work out the issues and now have a final plan which I will detail today. The preferred option has worked out for us.
I have received confirmation from Silver Moon Springs Hatchery that they will have 250 eight to eleven inch fish of the Upper Mississippi River Strain of walleyes available for stocking in our lake this fall. They will deliver them to Finger Lake in late October. These fish are being veterinarian checked right now and I will receive the vet report in a week or so. Once I have the report clearing the fish as healthy, I will then submit the fish stocking request form to the WDNR for final authorization. I have contacted the WDNR Fisheries Biologist with this update and he is all set to sign the release. Because these fish are larger ( 10 inch average versus 7 inch ) and older ( 3 year versus 2 years old ), we should see a better rate of survival than with the more typically used 7 inch and small fingerling fish. These fish are more expensive so the total cost will be higher but it is expected that the higher cost will be offset by better survival. Additionally, these larger fish should start spawning earlier, possibly as early as 2021. These fish cost $3.60 per fish which is a bit higher than I was quoted earlier - $3,25 - but I still think the better survival chances and earlier spawning are worth the cost. The total cost delivered to our lake will be $900. We have received donations for about $500 at this point and hopefully we will receive more donations in the weeks ahead. I will contact Central Wisconsin Fish Hatchery and tell them we no longer need to obtain fish from them this year. At this point, we are all set to go for this fall, assuming everything checks out well with the vet.
I would like to remind everyone that the WDNR is expecting that we will hold a further future stocking of walleye for a few years to determine if our efforts over the past few years has re-established a naturally reproducing walleye population in Finger Lake. There is evidence that have been making progress with the catching of some nice walleyes this year and the sighting of walleyes last year on the spring spawning beds. I also would like to remind everyone that the stocking program is just a part of our walleye recovery program that includes all of the steps below:
Stocking fish to re-establish a breeding population
Monitoring the spawning beds to keep them clear and usable for spawning
Monitoring the spring spawning run
Practicing catch and release fishing for walleyes until the population has recovered, likely a few more years
Improving shoreline habitat through the tree drop and fish sticks program to improve the survival of juvenile fish and reduce predation by predator fish
Following the WDNR fish regulations that protect the 20 - 24 inch prime spawning fish by not harvesting this important group of fish
If anyone still needs to send in a donation please do so soon. Send the donations to: FOFL P.O. Box 572 Eagle River, WI 54521.